Simple 3,000 Calorie Bulking Meal Plan: Time to Eat

It’s time to eat for those who have read or watched both the Simple 3,000 Calorie Bulking Meal Plan: Grocery List and Simple 3,000 Calorie Bulking Meal Plan: Prep and Pack. If you haven’t read these articles or watched the videos yet you might be a bit lost going forward so I suggest checking them out now. Below is a full breakdown of my daily intake including calories for each meal, I usually workout from 5:30 – 7pm.

Part 3 Of 3

  1. Simple 3,000 Calorie Bulking Meal Plan: Grocery List
  2. Simple 3,000 Calorie Bulking Meal Plan: Prep and Pack
  3. Simple 3,000 Calorie Bulking Meal Plan: Time to Eat

Daily Intake (Full Meal Breakdown)

Protein = P

Carbohydrates = C

Fats = F

Breakfast 1: 7:30 – 8:00am (425 Calories P-41g/C-60g/F-5g)

  • 8 oz. Unsweetened Almond/Coconut Milk
  • 1 Scoop Gold Standard 100% Whey
  • 1 Banana
  • 1 Cup Wyman Frozen Fruit
  • 1 Lite Greek Yogurt

Breakfast 2: 9:30 – 10:00am (400 Calories P-18g/C-54g/F-12g)

  • ½ Cup Oats
  • 1 Packet Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal
  • 2 Pre-Hardboiled Eggs

Lunch 1: 12:00 – 12:30pm (570 Calories P-59g/C-29g/F-20g)

  • 8 oz. Chicken
  • 1 Package Birdseye Steamfresh Mixed Vegetables
  • 1 Tbsp. Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Lunch 2: 2:30 – 3:00pm (375 Calories P-40g/C-40g/F-8g)

  • 2 Slices Orowheat Sweet Hawaiian Bread
  • 2 Chunk Light Tuna In Water Packets (Low Sodium)
  • 1 Tbsp. Reduced Fat Mayo
  • 1 Tbsp. Dill Relish

Pre Workout Shake: 4:30pm (190 Calories P-24g/C-21g/F-1g)

Post Workout Shake: 7:00 – 7:30pm (225 Calories P-24g/C-30g/F-1g)

Post Workout Meal: 8:00pm (785 Calories P-64g/C-112g/F-8g)

  • 8 oz. Chicken
  • 1 Package Uncle Ben Ready Rice Jasmine
  • ½ Bag Birdseye Steamfresh Broccoli, Cauliflower, Carrots

Snack: 10:00 – 10:30pm (125 Calories P-13g/C-14g/F-3g)

  • ½ Cup LowFat Cottage Cheese
  • ½ Cup Wyman Frozen Fruit

Total Calories: 3,095
Protein (g): 282
Carbs (g): 360
Fat (g): 56

I hope you enjoyed this meal plan and found it helpful! If you have any suggestions or want to chat about gaining weight please leave a comment below. Also, go follow WaterJugFitness on Twitter and Instagram for daily fitness tips, dieting and motivation.

8 thoughts on “Simple 3,000 Calorie Bulking Meal Plan: Time to Eat

  1. Hi there. Thanks a lot for sharing this amazing Info.
    just throwing a question if you do not mind.
    how do you calculate the one Package Birdseye Steamfresh Mixed Vegetables calories?
    I mean what is the serving size here

    Thank you


  2. Curious, what should I eat on the weekends since this covers the work week? Trying to get from 196lbs to 215lbs, do I just follow this meal plan until I get there? Or follow this for a few weeks then move up to 3.5k?


    • Hey JT, thanks for reaching out and sorry for the delay in my response! Anyways, on the weekends I might have a few meals leftover from the week depending on if I had any cheat meals. But if I didn’t have any cheat meals and all of my prepped meals are gone then I eat out but am very careful as to what I put in my body. Be sure to use My Fitness Pal and calculate the foods, can be very helpful in staying on course. I think you’re on point for the last question. I generally follow meal plans for about two weeks then re-evaluate progress. If I am making steady progress I might stay there for another week then bump it up. But when I bump up my calories I usually do it by 250 – 500 at a time. Hope this helps!


  3. Jeff, starting the 3k meal plan and need a few questions answered….. I take it the gallon of water is to be drank daily? Also (noob to bulking) what kind of diet should I follow on the weekends? Thanks


    • Hey man, sorry for the delays. I responded to your previous questions and you should be all set. My bad for taking longer than normal to respond, been traveling for work. Anyways, let me know how it goes for you and if you have any additional questions.


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